Roxy Torah Bright Jetty Block Jacket - Women's - Rooibos Tea / Botanic Stripes (RZB6)
Roxy Torah Bright Jetty Block Jacket - Women's
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Best Jacket I've found!
Posted by Crystal from Virginia on 6/1/2019

Pros: Warm, waterproof, gorgeous, durable, fitted
Cons: Cost

Would you recommend this product to a friend? Yes

I LOVE this coat. It's gorgeous on (I always get lots of compliments on it). It has an ideal cut for me (it's fitted for a woman, without being tight fitting at all). I'm a women's sz 12, and I feel like this cut hides some of my flaws. A thicker mid section, for example. I love that it has underarm vents for when I hike. It's warm in cold snowy weather without being bulky at all, and perfectly waterproof (I've had mine for 2 years now). Great quality and durability, too (mine still looks new despite being put through the ringer). I couldn't be happier with this coat.