ThirtyTwo Exit Snowboard Boots - Men's - Black
ThirtyTwo Exit Snowboard Boots - Men's
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ThirtyTwo Exit
Posted by Nick B (Certified Winter Enthusiast) on 10/31/2017

Pros: Great value and price. Heat moldable, great heel hold and comfortable.
Cons: Pretty soft, so it lacks control for carve artists.

Would you recommend this product to a friend? Yes

A fantastic entry level snowboard boot with a price that'll make anyone happy. Boot fit is of course highly personal and you should come in to try before you buy, but fit is one thing Thirty Two is big on. With a soft flex and a heavily padded tongue, this boot is immensely comfortable. The liner is also heat moldable, which is a standout feature at this price point. The internal lacing doesn't just tighten the liner to your foot, it actually laces through the inside of the shell. That coupled with a velcro liner strap gives immense heel hold.