Sidas Drywarmer
Sidas Drywarmer
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Terrific service
Posted by John Perkins from Genesseo, Western New York on 2/12/2019

Pros: The best way of drying wet boots that I know of plus terirific service.
Cons: None

Would you recommend this product to a friend? Yes

I have reviewed these before and haven't changed my opinion. What also hasn't changed is the service from Buckmans. On this occasion I ordered two pairs and they inadvertently only sent one. I called, the guy was mortified and the 2nd pair was on my doorstep the next day. Amazing.

Terric product and amazing service
Posted by John Perkins from Geneseo, NY on 10/19/2016

Pros: Cheap, efficient method of drying out boots.
Cons: None

Would you recommend this product to a friend? Yes

I have had Drywarmers for years. They are a very efficient way of drying out one's boots without ever damaging them. A pair needed to be replaced. I called Buckman's last Thursday. The ordering process was quick and efficient and, with free shipping, they arrived in 5 days. You can't ask for more.