Crab Grab Binding Bag

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Item#: CRA-BINDING-BAG, Mfg#: SG19013  

Crab Grab Binding Bag

Put our Binding Bag on your high-back, slip the security leash behind your forward lean adjuster, and fill it with all the crap you don’t want in your pockets: tools, wax, keys, candy, cash, weapons, whatever. Built with a sealed zipper and dry bag bottom, this tough little bag is ready for anything. Plus, there's an interior zip pocket for extra tiny things. Fit's most known bindings. Bindings not included. Enjoy.


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Customer Reviews

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Posted by Wyatt Jakuboski (Certified Winter Enthusiast) on 11/6/2020


Would you recommend this product to a friend? Yes

Awesome being able to hold some tiny things on the back of your binding and not in your pockets.

Posted by Mike on 10/31/2018


Would you recommend this product to a friend? Yes

Awesome bag and a great accessory for the board. Much better and more secure than storing things in the pockets of my pants.

Get one
Posted by Tyler L (Certified Winter Enthusiast) on 10/22/2018


Would you recommend this product to a friend? Yes

The best accessory you'll buy for snowboarding. Super handy, won't fall off, and you can stash anything you don't want getting bent or shredded in your pocket while you're ripping