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Search Tags: forum park boards, forum snowboards, forum destroyer snowboard, youth park boards, kids park boards,
Shop More Forum Snowboards
You know a Youngblood when you see one. They are that smaller rider, chock full of hunger, moving from feature to feature, hunting to slay anything in their path. This versatile freestyle twin is ready to rip groomers, boost kickers and tame rails. The Youngblood is here to feed the future. FEATURES
Youth Designed for Kids
All Mountain Explores all obstacles across the mountain, enjoying anything coming across them on the hill.
Twin This particular shape allows the rider to ride switch or regular. The nose and tail of the board have the same shape.
Camber The most response with true pop in and out of a turn with the most edge control.
Soft / Medium A softer flex is more forgiving and playful, allowing the rider to make small adjustments with lower consequences.
4x4 The 4x4 hole pattern features two rows of holes. The rows are spaced four centimeters apart, and each hole in the row is also spaced four centimeters apart. Each snowboard binding is secured to the snowboard using four bolts. This pattern offers the rider some flexibility with binding placement forward or backward compared to the manufacturer’s suggested reference stance position.
Beginner / Intermediate A beginner to intermediate skier or rider is one who can confidently handle easy slopes, link turns, and control speed, but is still developing skills on steeper or varied terrain. Stays of trails marked as beginner as well as some intermediate trails.
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