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Search Tags: goggle anti fog spray, goggle cleaner, google lense cleaner, goggle lens cleaner, employee-picks1617, fw23-new,
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Now in a spray, Cat Crap anti-fog treatment for sunglasses, ski glasses, and goggles is easier than ever to use.
Unisex Designed for All
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Customer Reviews
Not for me? Posted by Brenda on 5/22/2020
Pros: Inexpensive Cons: Doesn’t work
Would you recommend this product to a friend? No
Bought this product to keep my eyeglasses from fogging up when wearing a mask. Didn’t work at all! So disappointed!
Cat crap Posted by Karen Sullivan on 5/19/2020
Pros: Seeing clearly Cons: None
Would you recommend this product to a friend? Yes
Due to the Corona virus pandemic, wearing a face mask is mandatory for my essential job. My glasses would fog up constantly. My daughter suggested "cat crap" she uses it for her goggles when snow boarding. This stuff is amazing! I can see again!
Don't Let the Name Fool You Posted by Matt M. (Certified Winter Enthusiast) on 11/3/2016
Pros: Cons: wish it came in bigger bottles
Don't let the name fool you! It keeps your glasses clean and streak free for a clarity that is unparalleled.
Clean Posted by Melissa P (Certified Winter Enthusiast) on 10/21/2016
Pros: Clean for days Cons:
I love love love this product. I use these on y sunglasses for running and cycling but use them on my goggles for skiing as well. Would not trust any other product when I am racing!