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Search Tags: ski wax, snowboard wax,wax, wax accessories, tune up tools,Wax tools
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HS6 is a very versatile glide wax that belongs to the High Speed range. High Speed (HS) is specially developed for younger racers and the ambitious leisure skier. All glide waxes in this series have high performance and good durability. This makes them an affordable option for both competition and training. HS6 can be used as a base wax for racing products or as base prep wax for cold skis. HS6 has good durability and provides excellent glide on both natural and artificial snow. How to apply the glide wax: The speed of the waxing iron should be approx. 8-10 seconds for a skating or alpine ski. The wax can be reheated after cooling to room temperature (10 min.) for better durability. It is important to have a good waxing iron in order to melt the wax efficiently. HS6 can be used as a racing wax alone or as a base wax for other racing products. Recommended waxing iron temp.: 155°C. The HS range is available as both hot wax and liquid products.
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