Our Price Match Guarantee is simple – if you can find the same product in stock (same color/size/etc) on another online retailer's website within the USA1, we’ll match their final shipped price2. Just fill out the form below and a member of our customer service team will be in touch shortly. 

This offer excludes equipment such as skis, snowboards, boots, poles and bindings.

1Excludes eBay, Amazon, Curated, Evo, volume discount, and auction sites, as well as the manufacturer's website(s)
2 The 'final shipped price' is defined as the final publicly displayed sale price plus any required shipping and/or other fees displayed in the final shopping cart. Please note, we cannot price match sites that are in violation with our agreement with the product's manufacturer. We also do not price match discount codes. Our price matching of the final shipped price does not apply to items listed on our site that do not qualifying for free shipping. We reserve the right to decline any price match request at the discretion of ownership and/or department buyers.

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